It Was Just a Mistake

Mistakes are inevitable. We’re all human. None of us are perfect, and that means that, sometimes, we’re going to make mistakes. In our jobs, in our business, in our personal lives. Mistakes are going to happen. Making mistakes is part of life. We learn our most important lessons from the errors that we’ve make along the way. There is no …

The School of Hard Knocks

As I sit down to write this, it’s about a week before New Year, and like every other year, we’re overwhelmed with information about prepping ourselves to make the upcoming year our best ever! And who wouldn’t want to have their best year ever? The season always ushers in more commentary about how we should approach our lives (personal as …

Right Place, Wrong Customers

Customers. They’re the lifeblood of any successful business. Without them, we’re just standing around, thinking about how great our business ideas are. Without them, we’re soon on the way to the unemployment line. No business can survive without cash flow, and that means customers. Unfortunately, customers can also be the worst part of our business, often causing untold grief and pain. I’m …

Gut Instincts: Following Where It Leads You

I have recently been consumed with the world of podcasting.  For the uninitiated, podcasts are digital recordings, often in a series, typically available for free on the internet.  They can be listened to on your computer or on your smart phone.  There are many different topics available to listen to, and many of them provide excellent quality content, all for …

Listen for Lessons Learned

A quick search on the internet will reveal an untold number of quotations about lessons in life. If we think back to our childhood, most of us would recall many conversations (lectures as I recall it) with parents, teachers and relatives. They often extolled the benefits of the lessons that we learned from something that we had done, which, invariably, was …