What’s This Gonna Cost?

Time passes, as it always seems to do. With its passage, we gain wisdom, we gain knowledge and we gain some additional pains that really weren’t there yesterday when we woke up. Often, along our Earthly  journey, we find ourselves faced with difficult choices. We’re at an intersection on the road of life and must decide which road we choose …

Positive or Negative, Your Marketing Matters

Marketing and advertising.  These terms are often used interchangeably, but have different meanings.  Merriam-Webster defines marketing as “the process… of promoting (and) selling… a product or service.” Dictionary.com defines advertising as “the act… of calling public attention to one’s product… especially by paid announcements…”  While advertising is typically thought of as a campaign, specifically developed to induce the viewing public …

Late To the Party

I have been extremely fortunate to find myself in a very unique position in the home inspection industry. I was lucky enough to get in on the ground floor of a multi-inspector firm with my friends and business partners. I started doing inspections, growing business to 40 inspections a month and then hiring and training my replacement for those inspections. …

Easy Steps to Make Your (Business) Life Less Stressful

Recently, I was writing some information for a website, creating some FAQ’s about the home inspection process. The article was intended to explain to potential home buyers the importance of getting a copy of the Standards that their home inspector adheres to during their inspection process. I explained that this document outlines exactly what the home inspector was and was not going …

Answer Before They Ask the Question

We will start out today with a quote from author Shawn L. Anderson’s book “A Better Life.” He says that “Preparation is what allows the teacher to truly inspire. Preparation is knowing exactly how the lesson plan will flow. It’s in knowing what questions to ask and what answers to give.” The author is speaking about teachers, but this sentiment …