Calling Us Bad Names

As professional home inspectors, our job is to let buyers know what’s wrong with the home they’re considering buying, as well as what might go wrong in the not-too-distant future. The very nature of our job, to be the bearer of bad news, puts us in a precarious position. If a purchase agreement falls apart after the buyers hear the …

AAAA Letter to an Agent

While there are many different ways to get clients as a home inspector, I think we can agree that most successful home inspectors get the majority of their clients through referrals from real estate agents. As we’ve discussed in an earlier post, the agents already know who needs an inspection and when they’re going to need it. As a result, …

Why Morals Matter More Than Money

As I am always trying to expand my mental database of home inspection knowledge (which is a good thing), I belong to a few different forums where home inspectors gather to discuss issues and share ideas (which is something that I highly recommend to all inspectors). Recently, an inspector with about 10 years’ experience posted a rant about being approached by …