Electrical Inspection: Proper Wire Sizing

Most home inspection standards require inspectors to inspect branch circuit conductors (wires) and overcurrent devices (fuses and breakers) and to determine that they are compatible (wires are sized correctly for their respective fuses/breakers). This paper is intended to be a basic explanation of how home inspectors can make this determination during their (visual) inspection. Most residential houses in the US …

Building a Better Mouse Trap

We will start today’s post with an old phrase that has been attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, 19th century essayist, lecturer and poet. It says that if you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door. This is taken to mean that if we do something better than all our competitors, then we can’t help …

Electrical Inspection: Voltage and Amperage

  Most home inspection standards require inspectors to determine and report on the voltage and amperage supplied to the home. This is intended to be a basic explanation of how home inspectors can make this determination during their (visual) inspection.   Most residential houses in the US are 120V/240V single phase systems. While you may see it written as 110/115/120/125V …

More, More, More. Giving More So You Get Less (Lawsuits)

I begin this post with a “quote” from a old Billy Idol song, about needing “more, more, more.” Obviously, he was singing about something different than the subject of this post, but it seems like an appropriate title for our discussion. As humans, we are programmed to always strive for more in everything we do. While this may lead us to excess, more …


Today I would like to introduce you to one of the brightest minds on the Internet, Seth Godin. Seth is a successful author, speaker, businessman, and marketing guru. Even though we have never met, and I am sure that he has no idea that I even exist, I like to think of him as one of my mentors. Traditionally, a mentor is …