Our Own Worst Critic

One of the key ingredients to running a successful business is having a marketable product, something ready for public consumption. It’s impossible to have business success without one. To have the best shot at running a productive business, our product must meet a few basic requirements: it must be something that is not only profitable enough for the business to …

Story Time

If we take a moment and think back on our childhood, it’s quite likely that some of our most vivid memories take us back to story time. We often recall, in vivid detail, the tales told to us by people we admired: friends, family and mentors. These stories not only helped to educate us, but they also served to cement …

Smile. A simple action with amazing results.

                I hope that today’s post finds everyone happy, healthy and wearing a smile.  As a matter of fact, smiling will be the topic of today’s conversation.  I recently listened to a TED Talk podcast given by Ron Gutman. Ron is a speaker, writer, advisor, entrepreneur, angel investor and CEO and Founder of Health Tap, an interactive health company.  In …