
Everything is wonderful when our business starts to hit its stride. We’re the latest thing on the block! We’re new, we’re hot, and we’re in vogue! Everybody wants a piece of us! But eventually, someone else comes along and they’re the new, hot commodity. Good businesses find a way to stay relevant after the “newness” wears off. All the others …

The Mirror

We all wish that our customers weren’t so needy. That they didn’t ask so many questions. That they didn’t want as much clarification. That they would just stop needing so much hand-holding. Ever stop to wonder why that is? Maybe we need to look no further than the mirror. Giving better instructions gets better results. Seth Godin

Wait For It

Sooner or later, something bad will befall us. It’s inevitable. Conversely, sooner or later something good will happen to us as well. Now, all we have to do is wait.

AI Excitement

Everyone is all excited about AI. Maybe it can help with my business. Maybe it can do my marketing for me. Maybe I can use it to create content. There are many different ways in which AI can help us in our business, but (as of yet) it can’t tell us what to do. We still need to come up …

Diffusing Volatility

We often find ourselves asking our clients for reviews. We want, desperately, to get more online juice for our business. Tell us how we did! But what do we do when the response we get doesn’t match up with what we had hoped for? We ignore criticism at our own risk. (Discounting trolls, which should always be dismissed offhandedly,) it’s …


If we got a chance to choose between being the person who knows the most or the person who’s completely committed to learning, which one would we pick? We’re blessed with the opportunity to make this choice every day of our lives. Why settle for the stagnation of yesterday’s knowledge when we’ve got the whole expanse of the future available …

Ongoing Process

We all want to be a professional, but how do we accomplish that? Some people think that just starting a business makes us a professional. Sorry, that’s not the answer. Becoming a professional is not a onetime process that’s complete the day after we start our business. It’s an ongoing process that requires continual adjustment, constant tinkering, and continuous education. …

Listening To Ourself

We think that we’re business owners, but deep down, we’re just like everyone else: we’re consumers. And when we’re acting like a consumer and buying something, we don’t want to settle for a product that’s “good enough,” we want to be amazed. Maybe we should take a clue from our own lives and start looking for ways to amaze our …

Guaranteed Failure

Want to know how to be a failure in your business? Never be bothered to improve the way you present your product to your clients.


In business, we’re often told to emulate the other companies that are successful and we’ll find our own success. And that’s great advice. Until it’s not. Copying what’s working will only get us so far in life. It’s what we do next… What we work out on our own… What we choose… What we decide to stand for that determines …