Groundhog Day

Does it feel like we’re inspecting the same house, over and over and over again? Same stuff; different day? Is it Groundhog Day, all over again? Just another day at the office? Well, maybe that’s our problem: treating what we do the same as every other job we’ve ever had. Get to work, punch the clock, go through our daily …

Screwing Up

We all love to succeed. It’s a wonderful feeling when things go our way. But the way we fail can end up being more important to us (in the long run) than the way we succeed. If we simply get mad when we fail, it’s nothing but that: a failure. And a wasted opportunity. But if we take some time …


Customer reviews are everywhere today. Good ones, bad ones, and every one in between. Business owners work their butts off trying to garner more reviews. So, why shouldn’t we benefit from our competition’s hard work? Take some time to read your competitors’ reviews: good, bad, and ugly. We can quickly figure out what’s working and not working for them. We …

Wasted Time

Time is money. It’s valuable. It’s precious. We can get more friends, we can get more stuff, we can get more money, but we’ll never be able to get any more time. It’s the most important asset we have. And we never want to waste a customer’s time. When we do a bad job, when we provide a poor product, …


It’s tough breaking into a new field. No one wants to give us a hand and we feel like we’ve got to do something different to make any headway. But we don’t need to reinvent the wheel. The first thing we should do is figure out who our customer is, where they hang out, and how to reach them. Look …


There are three major steps in the sales process, often called the three C’s: connect, converse, and convert. We’ve got to locate a potential customer (connect), develop a relationship with them (converse), and then get them to buy our product (convert). All too often, we’re guilty of jumping the gun, wanting to go directly from meeting someone to pitching our …

The Sales Pitch

How we put ourselves out there has a lot to do with how successful we become. Some people are timid, barely making a ripple, while others are way over the top, coming out firing, with both barrels blazing.Obviously, we’ve got to play to our audience, molding our pitch as the situation dictates. Just remember, we don’t need to bombard them, …


Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years. Bill Gates We all want to be a smashing success, yesterday. None of us wants to have to go through all those classes to finish school and get a degree. We should be able to get a great paying job without …

The Ask

We all start off the same way: literally begging for business. We go into real estate offices and ask the agents to recommend our inspection company to their homebuying clients. It can’t hurt to ask, we reason. Actually, it can hurt. Especially if we ask the wrong way. Asking without proper preparation. Asking with getting permission first. Asking without setting …

It’s Scary

We all have big ideas. We all have goals. We’ve all got something amazing in our sights. We all want to initiate that change in our lives. But we’re all, in one way or another, scared. It may not work. We might fall flat on our face. We might lose everything we’ve built. We might fail. Of course we might …