
There is a big difference between repeat business and loyalty. Repeat business is when people do business with you multiple times. Loyalty is when people are willing to turn down a better product or a better price to continue doing business with you. Loyal customers often don’t even bother to research the competition or entertain other options. Loyalty is not …


Haters gonna hate. Taylor Swift It’s bound to happen. If you’re good at what you do, someone’s going to get their panties in a bunch. They’re going to talk bad about you. They’re going to put you down. They’re going to try to drag you down to their level. They’re going to resent your success. It’s inevitable, and it’s all …


The only thing that is ever sure in our lives, the only thing we know to be true, the only thing we can be 100% certain of is that there will always be change. Everything and everyone changes. It’s inevitable. And it was bound to happen, but I think I’ve had enough of being a home inspector. I’ve seen everything, …


Are you a member? Maybe our home inspection software is subscription based, where we pay each month (or each year) to use it. Maybe we subscribe to a membership-based newsletter, where we pay each month to receive emails that educate us on a specific topic. Or maybe we pay Netflix each month for the right to consume their digital content. …

Your Permanent Record

The world is right in the palm of your hand. A phone. We’ve all got one, and we’re not afraid to use it. And that goes for our customers too. Reviews are the lifeblood of almost any modern business. Good reviews help; bad ones hurt. Factor in the unfortunate reality that dissatisfied customers are much more likely to leave a …

Really, a Thousand?

When we start our business, we all make the same mistake. We try to get as many customers through the door as possible. No matter what we do for a living, we think we need to sell our product to everyone. The more clients I get, the better off I’ll be! This often proves to be our undoing. We don’t …

What’s Our Why?

Trust begins to emerge when we have a sense that another person or organization is driven by things other than their own self-gain. Simon Sinek What is it that we’re really showing our clients? Does it look like we’ve got their best interests at heart? Are they getting the sense that we really care about them and their family? Do …

They’ve Got the Power

In today’s interconnected, always-on world, our customers have more power than ever. They have the power in their hands (literally, their phone is right in their hand), to make or break us. So, what should we do? Our clients are more powerful than ever before. We must respect this power and act accordingly. The possession of great power necessarily implies …


Apathy and indifference. If you’ve ever shopped at Walmart, or almost any major retailer these days, you’ve experienced the halfhearted and indifferent response from the workers there. They couldn’t care less about their job (or your experience as a customer). We should be thankful that we work in a job that allows (requires?) us to care about our job and …


We mistakenly think that being a leader means that we’re able to get everyone on the same page, all pulling in the same direction at the same time. But that’s simply not true. We’ll never be able to convince everyone that one way is the best. Being a leader means trying to do something different. It means trying to do …