
If we put more into our product, it will cost us more to produce it… but we will be able to command a higher price for our work. If we spend more time with our clients, it will take us longer to work with them… but we will be creating satisfied customers. If we exceed everyone’s expectations, we will cease …

Selling the Story

We’re in business to sell something. Whether it’s a product, a service, or both, we’re all selling something. But that’s not all we’re selling; we’re also selling a story. The story our clients tell themselves about our product. The story they tell about the work that we do. The story they tell about how much we care about them. Yes, …

Every Time

Give your clients exactly what they’re expecting. Taken on face value, most of us would think this seems like good advice for running a successful company. And we’d be wrong. If we want to be successful, we’ve got to do more than meet expectations; we’ve got to exceed them. None of us are wowed by a restaurant when we get …

Sending the Right Signals

People often think that they should do a good job because it’s the right thing to do for their customers. While providing a quality service is an honorable thing to do, being ethical isn’t the only reason to make that decision. Doing so is also strategically beneficial for us. Making sure that our clients know that we’re working hard because …

A Serious Professional

Why is it so hard to become a ___________________________? It’s a question that’s asked in every profession. Most fields have a pretty high bar that needs to be met in order to participate. In the home inspection industry, for example, there are online and live classes to take, field training to complete, and exams to pass before someone can join …

In a Rush

Whenever we start a new business, we’re often in a rush to get as many clients “through the doors” as possible. But if we stop to think about it for a moment, it might be better in the long run if fewer customers show up right away and more come along later in the process. Those early clients help us …

It Wasn’t My Fault

We all make mistakes, all the time. We’re human; it’s part of the job description. If everyone already knows that mistakes are going to happen, that they’re inevitable, why is it so difficult for us to admit when we’ve made one? Why do we try so hard to deflect blame, to sidestep responsibility, to avoid being held accountable? If, for …

Hitting the Target

Most of us spend a lot of time frustrated by our lack of progress. We wonder why we haven’t gotten more things done, racked up a greater number of wins, or significantly expanded our list of accomplishments. At one point or another, we’ve all felt the stress of underachievement. But all too often, our frustration is misplaced. Instead of stressing …


Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead The worst thing we can do is to forget that everyone is different. None of our clients come to us with our knowledge. They don’t know what we know. If they did, then they wouldn’t need us, would they? They’re hiring us because we know something that …

Doing It Better

In every walk of life, there are people who take the easy way out. In politics, in sports, in business, and in personal relationships. Shortcuts are everywhere. When we take the easy way out, we’re giving in. We’re saying that we’re not good enough to compete on an even playing field, so we’re going to bend the rules a bit …