10-Hour CE Marathon

Thank you for registering for our upcoming 10-hour marathon CE class. I hope that this class will prove to be helpful in your inspection career (and not just check off some needed CE hours!)

The class will be held at 8550 United Plaza Blvd, Suite 702 Baton Rouge LA 70809 from 8:00AM – 6:00PM. It’s right off Essen Lane, between I-10 and I-12. This building is on the opposite side of I-10 from the LSBHI office.

United Plaza Blvd is a loop and intersects Essen Lane two times. While you can get to the 8550 building from either way, these instruction are shown using the intersection closest to I-12.

As you drive down United Plaza Blvd, there is a turn into the rear parking lot (right as the road starts to veer left.) It’s easy to miss, as the turn is obscured by bushes. It’s best to park in the rear lot and not in the lot fronting United Plaza Blvd. Ignore the towing signs; as long as you’re in the rear lot, you’re fine.

Walk into the building’s rear entry and take the elevator to the 7th floor. Turn left from the elevator and walk straight through the double glass doors into the Executive Suites lobby. We are in the large conference room directly to the right.

There will be coffee, water and snacks available for breakfast, and we will order delivery for lunch. You are welcome to bring any additional items that you would like to eat or drink during the class. The only thing I would advise you to bring is note taking items (pen & paper, phone, or laptop.)

This class is very laid back, so feel free to ask questions. My hope is that you will come to this class with questions that have been puzzling you about the inspection industry. If you leave feeling like you’re in a better place with your inspection career, then the class will have been a success!

If you’d like to send me questions ahead of time, feel free to send me an email or shoot me a text (504-388-3869.)

Don’t forget that Baton Rouge traffic is horrible in the morning, and Essen Lane is one of the most busy corridors in all the city. Please plan your commute accordingly.

American Inspection Academy

Professional education for Professional Inspectors.

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Thanks, Joe

pic of me, Joseph Cook Jr, home inspector