It seems that, as we get older, there are fewer and fewer inspectors we can “look up to.” Most of those inspectors have retired (and some didn’t even make it that far.) It’s a hard fact to deal with, but we all get older and we all, eventually, reach the end of the line.

Eventually, we’re going to be one of those inspectors that the newbies look up to. We’ll be considered the old guard, the rule makers, even if we really didn’t have a hand in making any of the rules. We’ll be one of the GOATs, whether we think we deserve to be called one or not.
But if we stop to think about it, the simple fact that we’ve been around this long says something about our bona fides. If we’re still doing inspections, that speaks to our experience.
The question is: What are we going to do with our experience?
It’s up to us to help shape the home inspection industry of the future. We need to be the ones who are making the rules. Each of us can help do our part when it comes to making the home inspection industry the best it can be.
What are we going to do with our experience?
We may be tempted to think that we’re just regular home inspectors; there’s really nothing we can do to make a difference. In reality, there are many things we can do as a regular-old inspector to influence the way things work at the LSBHI. Volunteering to serve as a board member, attending and participating in quarterly board meetings, reaching out to our current board members to make our opinions known; it doesn’t really take much effort to have an impact.
Technically, we’re all going to be one of the old guard one day. No matter how great a job we’re doing at keeping ourselves healthy, we’re all heading in the same direction and none of us know when we’re going to get there.
It really doesn’t take much effort to have an impact.
There really is no excuse for us not getting involved in the future of our industry.

What’s stopping us from getting off the sidelines and making our presence felt? We all know that things could always be better for us. Why don’t we decide that we’re going to be one of the people making it so?
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Thanks, Joe