Late To the Party

I have been extremely fortunate to find myself in a very unique position in the home inspection industry. I was lucky enough to get in on the ground floor of a multi-inspector firm with my friends and business partners. I started doing inspections, growing my business to 40 inspections a month, and then hiring and training my replacement for those inspections. We did it over and over: building, growing, and replacing. As our business grew to double-digit inspectors, I did fewer inspections and more management, marketing, educating, and problem solving.

is the home inspection business too crowded?

We eventually built the business into a franchising company. I continued my role (a few inspections each month and lots of oversight) for several years and was fortunate enough to be able to purchase the New Orleans North Shore franchise territory when the original owner retired. I provided guidance for the franchisees, as well as owned and operated a successful, multi-inspector home inspection firm, which I eventually sold to a fellow inspector. I now work as a solo inspector and spend time providing education for new and existing inspectors.

I have been providing pre-licensing as well as continuing education for home inspectors since 2004, and count some of the most successful inspectors in the country as my students. I certainly didn’t envision this path when I started in 2000, but I have been fortunate in my career. I now have an opportunity to help other people avoid some of the pitfalls that I have witnessed (and experienced) as I’ve become a Professional Home Inspector.

I consider myself extremely blessed to have found myself in this position. Unfortunately, most small businesses do not get to start out in such an enviable position. It’s difficult to start a new business from scratch, and even the best of us can lose confidence when things don’t seem to be going our way.

Everyone struggles with confidence at some point in their lives, and business owners are no exception. Confidence in our abilities is something suffered by almost all of us. As soon as a bit of difficulty occurs (and it certainly will), we begin to question if we made the right decision in becoming a home inspector.

Is it too late to get into this industry?

Is the inspection industry already a crowded playing field? 

Is my company going to be faced with a tremendous amount of competition?

My answer to these often-asked questions is always the same: yes, yes, and yes.

Unless we are lucky enough to be the first person to come up with an idea for a new industry or unique product, then yes, it’s already too late to start. Unless we are the first person in our area to start offering a specific service to the public, then yes, the playing field is already crowded. And unless everyone simply shudders at our sight, running and hiding with their tail between their legs when we show up on the scene, then yes, there will be competition.

It’s crowded out there in the home inspection industry.

Having to face these issues is a reality for anyone starting a new business. Unless we’re rolling out something brand new, that no one has ever thought of, that no one has ever done, and that no one has ever marketed, we will be faced with competition and adversity.

a crowded playing field for new home inspectors

Working in my home inspection school, I’m lucky enough to get to speak with lots of people about the inspection business. I attempt to provide as much information as possible to every student, so they’re able to make an informed decision about their possible future in the industry. Inevitably, it always seems to come down to one basic question: “Can I make a living as a home inspector?”

We’ve got to remember that there are many different definitions of ‘making a living.’ Different people have different wants and needs which dictate their target income level, and many variables can affect a business’ profitability. Unfortunately, this means it’s nearly impossible to speculate on the level of success (or failure) that someone will experience in their business. Regardless, I still feel compelled to offer some guidance, as that is the main reason that potential students contact me: for information about being a home inspector.

I attempt to run my school the same way that I operate my home inspection business: I provide information and allow my clients to make the decisions. I don’t try to hard-sell my products, as I know that this industry (home inspection) is not for everybody. I do make it a priority, however, to provide each potential student an overview of my observations of the industry.

We have met the enemy, and he is us

I always tell the same story about being an inspector: It’s a great way to make a living. You’re in a new place every day.  You meet different people every day, and for the most part, everyone involved in the real estate transaction is pretty happy.

Unfortunately (there’s always an ‘unfortunately,’ isn’t there), the home inspection industry can be a difficult field to break into. You’ll face as much competition as you would when entering any new business venture.

In my home state of Louisiana, about three out of four people that get their home inspection license will no longer be performing home inspections after two years. This is a hard realization and should give pause to even the most determined future inspectors. The truth is that there’s a tremendous amount of competition out there and I want my students to be prepared for reality.

To be a effective small business owner, we must be willing to put in the hard work necessary to be successful. Unfortunately, without having confidence that we will attain success, human nature takes over and we start taking short cuts, trying to get away without having to do the hard work.

To be a successful small business owner, we must be willing
to put in the hard work necessary to be successful.

If this all sounds difficult, it’s because it is. Yes, there are already enough home inspectors out there, but we must remember that no matter what industry we’re talking about, there’s always room for people who are good at their job. There will always be a market for an inspector who does a better job that the other inspectors.

There will always be competition and it will be a difficult road.  However, if our goal is to provide our clients with a better-quality product, then, given enough time, the odds are pretty favorable that we will achieve success in the home inspection industry.

not too scared to get her hands dirty to become a professional home inspector

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

Colin Powell

If we want to be successful, we’ve got to expect difficulty, pain, and setbacks. Then we’ve got to lift ourselves up and try again.

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Thanks, Joe

pic of me, Joseph Cook Jr, home inspector