My Own Destiny

Hollywood has taught us that we will have a handful of defining moments throughout our lives. Inflection points; crossroads; game changers; moments of truth; critical junctures where we need to make a seemingly difficult decision that has the power to alter the course of our lives.

While we’re all certain to have moments like this throughout our time on this earth, it’s all too easy to place an oversized importance on these junctures. We mistakenly believe that our lives are ruled by fate and that we’re simply waiting around for these crucial moments to nudge us in the right direction. We’re so focused on these milestone events that we forget about the importance of the small decisions we need to make every day.

All too often, we overlook the fact that we’re the ones with the power to decide exactly when our defining moments occur, and we get to make that decision over again every single day of our lives.

Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Lao Tzu

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