Bonus CE Class

bonus home inspection ce class

If you’re looking for a few more hours of CE after taking the Report Writing Class, you’re in luck!

For the first time ever, the American Inspection Academy will be offering this bonus 2-hour CE class,

The name of this CE class is Business Protection 101, and we’re going to cover the things you need to know to help keep your home inspection business safe.

Join us for this 2-hour LSBHI approved CE class. We will start at 2:30pm, a half-hour after we wrap up the Report Writing Class. If you’re already in Baton Rouge, you might as well stick around for some more education (and CE hours)!

We will touch on the different tactics available to home inspection professionals to help keep your business safe (and in compliance with the rules of the LSBHI).

This class is open to all current LHIs, as well as everyone that is working towards their Louisiana home inspection license. For current LHIs, this class counts as 2 live CE hours.

For future inspectors working towards your Louisiana license, you will not be able to receive CE credit for attending this class, as you’re not yet licensed. But you will gain valuable knowledge on how to protect your business in the litigious world of home inspections.

staying out of court as a home inspector


Friday May 19, 2023
2:30 PM – 4:30 PM CST (right after the Report Writing Class)


LSBHI Board Office
5211 Essen Lane, Suite #9
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
(Driving directions)


Join us for this 2-hour Business Protection 101 CE Class at the LSBHI board office in Baton Rouge and learn some valuable tips on how to better protect your inspection business.

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Thanks, Joe

pic of me, Joseph Cook Jr, home inspector